Explore Scientific Generation II 20 Inch Dobsonian Telescope: Our Full Review

Welcome to our deep dive into one of the most remarkable telescopes in the market, the Explore Scientific Generation II 20-inch Truss Tube Dobsonian Telescope. This telescope is a powerful piece of astronomical equipment designed to satisfy the keen eyes of serious stargazers and professionals alike.


Boasting a sizeable 20-inch aperture and a collapsible truss tube design, this telescope is nothing short of a technical marvel. Crafted by Explore Scientific, a respected name in the field, the Generation II model is a substantial upgrade on its predecessor. It is not just the quality of the images it produces that impresses, but also its blend of functionality and design which ensures an enjoyable user experience.

Who is this Telescope for?

This Dobsonian telescope is ideal for individuals who possess a deep interest in astronomy and are seeking to elevate their celestial viewing experience. Given its advanced features and significant light gathering capabilities, it’s perfectly suited for deep-sky observation. Although it demands a substantial investment, the remarkable performance and build quality of this telescope make it worth every penny. From astronomy enthusiasts looking to step up their game to professionals seeking reliable equipment, this telescope serves a broad spectrum of users.

Stay with us as we explore the features, performance, and overall value offered by the Explore Scientific Generation II 20-inch Truss Tube Dobsonian Telescope.

Whether you’re considering purchasing this telescope or simply want to learn more about advanced astronomical equipment, our comprehensive review will give you a clear picture.

Key Features of the ES 20 Inch Dobsonian Telescope

The Explore Scientific Generation II boasts several distinct features:

  • A hefty 20-inch aperture that provides incredible light gathering capability.
  • High-quality Explore Scientific Ultra-Wide eyepieces that deliver wide field views.
  • A collapsible, truss tube design which is both robust and portable.
  • A Rocker Box with high-precision ball bearings for smooth movements.
  • An integrated cooling fan to bring the mirror to ambient temperature quickly.
  • Dual-speed 2-inch Crayford-style focuser for precise focus control.

Performance and Ease of Use

The Explore Scientific Generation II 20-inch Truss Tube Dobsonian Telescope, a powerhouse of astronomical viewing, is designed not only to provide stunning views of the cosmos but also to offer a user-friendly experience. Let’s delve deeper into the performance and ease of use of this remarkable telescope.

Unparalleled Performance

Stellar Light Gathering

One of the shining highlights of this telescope is its impressive 20-inch aperture. This large diameter allows for a significant amount of light collection, which is fundamental to observing distant and faint objects. The light gathering capability of this telescope ensures that deep-sky objects like nebulae, distant galaxies, and star clusters are not just visible but also showcased with exceptional clarity and detail.

Superior Optics

Complementing the significant light gathering capabilities of the telescope, the Explore Scientific Ultra-Wide eyepieces are a game-changer in the viewing experience. These eyepieces offer a wide field of view, allowing for a broader and more immersive perspective of the night sky. Moreover, the eyepieces maintain superior optical quality, ensuring that the images you see are not just broad but also sharp and highly detailed.

Ease of Use

Truss Tube Design

The telescope’s truss tube design is a prime example of functionality meeting convenience. Despite the substantial 20-inch aperture, which could make the telescope bulky and hard to manage, the innovative truss tube design makes this Dobsonian relatively portable. This collapsible design allows the telescope to be broken down into smaller components, which can be individually handled and transported, making it feasible even for one person to assemble or disassemble it.

Precision Control

The Explore Scientific Generation II Dobsonian comes equipped with a Rocker Box that features high-precision ball bearings. This feature offers smooth and accurate motion, a crucial factor when tracking celestial objects at higher magnifications. Fine adjustments are made effortlessly, and the tracking remains reliable, ensuring a stable and consistent viewing experience.

20 inch Dobsonian telescope
Image Credit: Raymond Collecutt

Additionally, the dual-speed 2-inch Crayford-style focuser facilitates precise focus control. It allows users to easily make fine adjustments in the focus to get a sharp view of the celestial object of interest.

In the end, the combination of its stellar light-gathering capability and superior optics with the ease of use offered by the truss tube design and precision control features, makes it an outstanding choice for both seasoned astronomers and passionate hobbyists.

Design and Build Quality

Explore Scientific has done a commendable job with the build quality of this Dobsonian. The construction feels robust and reliable, promising longevity. The truss tubes are secure, and the mirror cell appears well constructed and well collimated.

The integrated cooling fan is another standout feature, allowing for quicker temperature acclimatization of the primary mirror. This helps reduce the time you need to wait before you can start observing after moving the telescope outside.

Pros and Cons of this 20 Inch Dobsonian Telescope

Every product has its strengths and weaknesses, and the Explore Scientific Generation II 20-inch Truss Tube Dobsonian is no exception. Here’s a quick breakdown of its pros and cons.


  • Exceptional light-gathering capability with the 20-inch aperture.
  • The collapsible truss tube design makes it portable despite its size.
  • Rocker Box and dual-speed focuser provide smooth and precise control.
  • Integrated cooling fan reduces temperature acclimatization time.
  • High-quality construction ensures durability.


  • Despite its collapsible design, its size may still be challenging for some users to manage.
  • It is a considerable investment, potentially out of reach for casual hobbyists.
  • The large aperture may make it overkill for light-polluted urban environments.

In conclusion, the Explore Scientific Generation II 20-inch Truss Tube Dobsonian Telescope is a stellar choice for serious astronomy enthusiasts and professionals. It offers excellent performance and practicality, making it worth the substantial investment for those with a serious interest in deep-sky observation. Despite a few potential drawbacks, it stands out as a fantastic piece of equipment in the realm of high-end telescopes.


Who is the Explore Scientific Generation II 20-inch Truss Tube Dobsonian Telescope suitable for?
  • The telescope is ideally suited for serious amateur astronomers and professionals due to its high-end features and significant light gathering capabilities. However, its user-friendly design also makes it a feasible option for enthusiasts who are ready to step up from beginner to intermediate telescopes.
20 inch Dobsonian Telescope
Is the telescope portable despite its size?
  • Yes, the telescope features a collapsible truss tube design which makes it more portable than fixed tube designs. The telescope can be broken down into smaller, manageable pieces which makes it easier to transport. However, given its substantial 20-inch aperture, it’s still quite hefty compared to smaller models.
What can I observe with this 20-inch telescope?
  • The 20-inch aperture allows the telescope to gather a lot of light, making it an excellent tool for deep-sky observation. You can expect to see nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, and other faint objects with incredible detail. Additionally, it will provide remarkable views of closer celestial bodies like the moon and the planets.
Does the telescope require a lot of maintenance?
  • As with any telescope, some maintenance is necessary to keep the telescope functioning optimally. The optics may need occasional cleaning and the telescope’s collimation (alignment of the optics) may need to be checked from time to time. However, the robust build quality of this telescope should minimize the need for extensive maintenance.
Is this telescope suitable for astrophotography?
  • While Dobsonian telescopes are not traditionally the first choice for astrophotography due to the lack of a tracking motor, some users may still achieve satisfactory results, especially for lunar and planetary photography. However, for long-exposure deep-sky astrophotography, a telescope with an equatorial mount would typically be a more suitable choice.

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